logo St Michael and All Angels Mill Hill


Welcome to St Michael's Mill Hill

Our congregation reflects the glorious diversity
of our local community.
We welcome all, irrespective of age, ethnicity,
social background, disability, sexuality or gender.
We believe all are equally loved and valued
by Christ.
We strive to ensure our worship is open, accessible and relevant to all. 



Foundation StoneSaturday 26th June 2021 marked the centenary
of St Michael's Church.

We were privileged and thankful to have
the Right Reverend and Right Honourable
Dame Sarah Mullally, Bishop of London
presiding and preaching at a special celebration Mass at 2:30pm.

The service was broadcast live on Zoom, and a recording is now available on our YouTube channel.
A celebratory booklet "The Story of St Michael's" and bookmark are available on request.
See our Centenary page for details.


Public Worship

The church is open for Sunday morning Mass and a weekday Mass on Fridays.

We also have online Morning Prayer from  Monday to Thursday, and a Mass on on Wednesday on Zoom.

Whenever possible, we will stream our live services simultaneously on Zoom.

See our Services and Events page for details.

Following concerns over safeguarding, security and privacy,
the link for our services on Zoom will no longer be shown on this website.
It will be included in the congregational email bulletin each week.
Contact us if you need help to bookmark it.



Summer Prayer Group
Reverend Heather will be leading
a prayer group in our beautiful
Lady Chapel from 6:30 to 7:30pm
for four weeks from 6th to 27th August.

Click here for details.

Take Time Tuesday
A weekly opportunity for Scripture,
Meditation and Reflection.

Click here for details.

Confirmation Service
On St Michael's Day, Sunday
29th September the Right Reverend
Anderson Jeremiah, Bishop of Edmonton,
will preside and preach at a special
Sung Eucharist at 10:30am,
during which he will also perform
baptisms and confirmations.

Click here for details.

Online Shopping
You can see how to support
St Michael's by raising money
every time you shop online
at no cost to yourself
by clicking here.

Parish Giving Scheme
It is now possible to set up a direct debit online for donations to the church using the Parish Giving Scheme.
Click here for details.

New look
Our  Internet hosting company has decided
change the way
that the platform works.
We are essentially rebuilding the site

from scratch, so things may look a bit weird during the process.
    Normal sevice will be resumed
    as soon as possible


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never miss an update.

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St Michael and All Angels Church
Flower Lane
Mill Hill
London NW7 2JA

T: 020 8959 1449
E: info@smmh.org.uk

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